Thursday, 26 April 2012

Midpoint of the 7th Night of the 8th Galactic level of the Mayan calendar – by Sean Caulfield
We are revolving and evolving... Calling back the Universal Oneness in drum ceremony with Sean Caulfield...

11-Ahau(Sun) 25th April 2012 is half of a Mayan calendar 360 day Tun cycle which aligns with the 360 degree revolution of not only Mother Earth but all planets in our solar system and beyond into the infinite Universe that we are all connected to... so in essence it can be seen as one big wheel that we are infinitely circling on... from 29th October 2011 we started with 1-Alligator in the East and have moved clock wise through the south 90 days later and through the west 180 days later on the 25th April 2012 and through the North 270 days later and back to East 360 days later by 23rd October 2012... going into the next 360 day Tun Cycle of the so called 8th Day and a period of light opening to our collective consciousness... this is very relevant as we approach the 21st December 2012... you can study more about the Mayan calendar through this website of Dr. Carl Johan Calleman..

The Tun Calendar is known as the Prophetic calendar of the ancient Maya people. The Tun calendar is a 360 day calendar that together with the 260 day Tzolkin has driven the Creation of the 9 levels.

We are approaching the half way point of the next 360 day Tun (7th Night of Galactic 8th level) and this 9 day wave is the same 9 days just before 28th Oct 2011. This link takes you to last 18 days (9x9) of the Mayan calendar's 9 levels. if you look at the numbers 1 to 9 you will understand why I say that this is the same 9 days. The 9 days we are in started on the 17th April 2012 which is 180 days from the date 20th October 2011.

A calendrical graph of the continuation of the Mayan calendar by Dr. Carl Johan Calleman

Looking at the cycles of time and how this is dovetailing with our collective consciousness...

To me this midpoint on 25th April is the turning point of the application of the 7th Galactic night, so in essence a shift of understanding will happen. So we should have a greater understanding of purpose. What this might mean on an individual level is what counts. On a collective level I feel we still seem to have a lot to learn but hopefully the lessons will aid the shifts to Oneness and further help the birthing of the new world that can only exist with sacred intentions and actions.

On the Full Moon 6th April we started with the 9th Uinal of 20 days... Quetzalcoalt... a big opening to consciousness and many are feeling the shifts on deeper levels... these shifts are for the most part being felt in the feeling body...

God of Light – Creates forward movement - Turkey
Start of 20 days of 20 Aspects to Creation starts 6th April 2012

8- 5- Alligator(Imix/Imox) 6th April 2011, East, Water & Rejuvenate
9- 6- Wind(Ik/Iq) 7th April 2011, North, Communicate & Change

The 12th Day(9x9) – 18 Days of an opening to consciousness allowing for a new resonance
Start - Day of recreated unity and dampened worldly ambitions

1- 7- Night(Akbal/Aqabal) 8th April 2011, West, Renewal & Resurrection
2- 8- Lizard(Kan/Kat) 9th April 2011, South, Harvest & Gifts
3- 9- Serpent(Chicchan/Kaan) 10th April 2012, East, Equilibrium & Peace
4- 10- Death(Cimi/Kame) 11th April 2012, North, Transformation & Rebirth
5- 11- Deer(Manik/Kiej) 12th April 2012, West, Nature & Spiritual
6- 12- Rabbit(Lamat/Qaniel) 13th April 2012, South, Abundance & Appreciate
7- 13- Water(Muluc/Toj) 14th April 2012, East, Gratitude & Offering

Start of a new 13 day Tecena
8- 1- Dog(Oc/Tzi) 15th April 2012, North, Guiding & Devotion
Day of single minded action and devotion to the highest ideal
9- 2- Monkey(Chuen/Baatz) 16th April 2012, West, Memory & Creativity
1- 3- Road(Eb/Ee) 17th April 2012, South, Awareness & Protect
Midpoint - Day of contemplating consequences and safeguarding the future
2- 4- Reed(Ben/Aaj) 18th April 2012, East, Growth & Sustenance
3- 5- Jaguar(Ix/Ix-Balam) 19th April 2012, North, Nurture & Guardian
4- 6- Eagle(Men/Tzikin) 20th April 2012, West, Vision & Confident
5- 7- Owl/Vulture(Cib/Ajmaq) 21st April 2012, South, Wisdom & Receptiveness
6- 8- Earth(Caban/Noj) 22nd April 2012, East, Movement & Compassion
7- 9- Flint(Edznab/Tijax) 23rd April 2012, North, Reflection & Strength
8- 10- Rainstorm(Cauac/Kawoq) 24th April 2012, West, Cleansing & Giving
9- 11- Light(Ahau/Jun-Ajpub) 25th April 2012, South, Patience & Expansion

The 12th Night(9x9) – 18 days of applying the new consciousness from the past 18 days
Start - Day when the new phenomena from the collective unconscious come to the surface

God of Darkness – Challenge – Horned Owl
Start of 20 days of 20 Aspects to Creation starts 26th April 2012

1- 12- Alligator(Imix/Imox) 26th April 2012, East, Water & Rejuvenate
2- 13- Wind(Ik/Iq) 27th April 2012, North, Communicate & Change

Start of a new 13 day Tecena
3- 1- Night(Akbal/Aqabal) 28th April 2012, West, Renewal & Resurrection
Day of recreated unity and dampened worldly ambitions 
4- 2- Lizard(Kan/Kat) 29th April 2012, South, Harvest & Gifts

Follow link to see the continuation of the Universal calendar and more...

There is no way out other than to confront our hearts choice. If you do what the heart says then you receive what the heart wants. Allow the heart to be driven by it's own wants, which can only be selfless and humble because of it's infinite connection to the unconditional love of the Creator of all, Source/God.

From 13-Ahau, 28th October 2011 and beyond the completion of the 9 levels of the Mayan calendar that maps the transformation and evolution of the Universe is the "Great Unknown". Yet as time passes we are able to feel what our heart is saying.

At the top of our climb up the pyramid we reached the ultimate objective. We received a gift. The gift came in the form of a Divine connection between the spirit and the physical that sparks the birth of the light which is mysteriously ignited from the void of Great Mystery. According to the Mayan calendar, the gift is the now descended 9 Cosmic Forces or Deities that are paving a way to answer our hearts spiritual quest. The answer is all about an understanding that we must live through our sacred heart that has that Divine spark that connects us to what that Divine Plan is intending. It is all ultimately about Creator/Sources Divine intent to bring everything to be one with each other and thus to understand this concept we have had to go through the pains of the minds deception. We have had to experience separateness so as to know what Oneness is.

Through feeling and looking at what past patterns have brought, through lessons we learn and through connecting to our intuition we do our best to be certain in the moment of the now, yet we as humans are on a quest to evolve. This basically means that through trial and error we will eventually find that balancing point which will bring the best certainty we can have. As an individual this is that time in your life where you feel balanced and settled. The collective we are anything but settled. We are going through a rapid acceleration of growth with much shifting being felt, especially on a deeper mysterious level. This deeper level is in actual fact to do with our spirits connection to the universal frequency of Oneness. We are in a place of chaos because we are still learning to be One with the universal rhythms and cycles. This is where the Mayan calendar can help with our connection to the Universal Intuitive Powers of Creator/Source. By following the daily count of the 260 Tzolkin is a good starting point.

We are just about halfway through the next 360 day Tun cycle. So since the 28th October 2011, another 180 day weaving of time will have completed by 25 April 2012.

For the Maya, keeping a track of the ancient cycles of time was and is an obsession. It now involves the Haab, the 260 day Tzolkin and did involve the 360 day Tun cycle and how everything matched up within this, as this aided the weaving of Creations Evolution of growth of the Universal Tree of Life. The Maya Day Keepers, with a ceremony would honour each day and how this aligned to the bigger cycles of time. It is an intricate web of harmonics and rhythms that holds the infinite matrix of the Universe together, and at the same time it allows for the evolution and growth of life.

Each day is one 360 degree revolution of Earth. Each 360 day Tun cycle is in turn one big revolution of Earth moving in a clockwise orbit of a circle, similar to the circle that takes 365 and a quarter days to go around the Sun. To map this physical movement of Earth going around the Sun, the Maya worker with a calendar called the Haab, which was 365 and a quarter days. The Gregorian calendar also aligns to the physical movement of earth going around the Sun.

Divine Union of the Feminine and Masculine of Africa
"TOGETHER ON EARTH" we are all here together... just seemingly far separated but in spirit we are one... nobody knows the full mystery of it all... we just know that we don't need to touch each other to feel each other... because we have come to understand... in one way or another everything is connected... Abstract African Fusion - Rock Art... Artist: Sean Caulfield...

Love and light from my ancient heart... to your ancient heart...
Sean Caulfield (email =

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