The COSMIC EVOLUTION of Humanity 2017/18 and beyond, written by Sean Caulfield
Article 1. THE NINTH WAVE & TRANSCENDING DUALITY - 1st Jan 2018, the 70th Day
Reflected in the sacred calendar's of the Maya & other ancient civilizations of Central America like the Aztec, is potential for understanding the evolution of life on a Universal level, in terms of this it is clear that we as a collective consciousness are continuing to surf the Cosmic Waves of Time since 28 October 2011 when all NINE Waves converged to ascend through 13-Ahau/LIGHT. Hence, we are at the effect of a new TIME on Earth, a time of living in surrender to Creations FIRE OF TRUTH, a time of tuning our hearts frequency into Natures Forces that are driven by our Cosmic Evolution, which now more so than ever is pulling all life to live in right relation to its mirror. The highest and most purest level of consciousness - being the NINTH WAVE - has thus been activated, initiating full recall of the memory of the first SEED the Creator of Time planted and grew the TREE OF LIFE by. All the Cosmic Waves of Time have now grown to full maturity and we as CREATION IN HUMAN FORM are most at the effect of the EIGHTH & NINTH Wave's and their continuation, key is to understand how this process takes our consciousness forward. In this writing I share deep insight bringing potential for you to understand WHAT IS GOING ON AS WE TRANSCEND 2018 & beyond...
Why do people follow the consciousness of the Mayan calendar? Simply put, it helps you zone yourself into your spiritual path and aligns you to the sacred Memory that the CREATOR of the Universe is evolving Creation by, this in turn allows you to surf the Waves of Time with ease and a greater understanding of your life's purpose, thus allowing your journey to attracting harmony, balance and INNER PEACE. What the Time Waves communicate now as we enter 2018 is that we are from 26 Dec 2017 in an 18 day period of LIGHT, this is called the 70th Day of the NINTH WAVE and is held by the first day of these 18 days, being 2-Baatz/Monkey on the Tzolkin, but this is only one aspect of the Time Waves. Everything out there is a reflection of what lies "within" us, we are the portal that bridges all the time lines, time frames and dimensions of the infinite UNIVERSE. In terms of Evolution we are always growing to understand life on higher and higher platforms. We as a collective humanity are living on an evolutionary path to become flawless, like a FLAWLESS DIAMOND. The most ancient aspect of ourselves holds the fully mature newly coded memory that is activating ONENESS, the resistance to allowing for this is causing our mind to bring confusion and chaos into the world. It may ruffle the feathers that keep you bound in the mundane, it transcends the physical that is somewhat caught in the illusion that pulls on you to think that the "material" is all there is. It aligns to the new pioneering ideology that understands that everything out there is an aspect of you, nothing is separate, I am talking about the ONE HEART ROAD. This in itself is controversial to contemplate in such a divided world on Earth. The birthing NEW EARTH is only allowing for a future that lives through the Hearts FIRE of truth. When the Mind aligns with the Heart's truth this synchronizes Heaven and Earth "within", bringing all life to live as "One Heart of the Universe" through the Source Creators Will. In terms of Earth's Cosmic Evolution that the NINTH WAVE reflects, the calculator gives you the DAY KEEPING DATE = http://www.xzone.com.au/9thwav
The very things that our mind resists, our heart gives us the courage to walk through. Through performing the "Trance Dance" Fire Ceremony the San are fed courage to transcend the duality of the mind. As we traverse this 360 Days Tun we are in the so called 10th Night of the Eighth Wave of Creation, what this means is that in these 360 days we are going into a valley of consciousness, a time when we are in the shadow of the LIGHT, a time of introspection and healing the emotional wound of the past, and thus Creation is pulling ITSELF, on the highest self aware level, to live in right relation to nature. Furthermore the fully Mature Time Waves of the Universe can be seen at present to be "Cutting to the Truth" and bringing the mirror of itself to live through its center, the place of the Source CREATOR'S LIGHT of Fire that transmutes and transcends the flaws of TIME. If one looks at the 234 Day Wave we are in, it can be seen to be held by Tijaax/Flint on a large scale. The new arriving UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS that our human awareness is growing by, allows for and can potentially open your MIND to the understandings that the Mayan calendar TIME WAVES reflect. The structure of the Mayan calendar's growth speeds up by 20 X from one level to the next, hence the feeling of TIME getting faster and faster, pulling at all that lives in TIME on a physical level to live through its Hearts center. The word "understand" is a key factor in terms of what the Mayan calendar can teach you about the Universal TIME WAVES in our modern world. To "understand" it, brings you to the highest platform in relation to "IT", after that we may wilt like a flower to what we don't understand about "IT", our mind only has the capacity to understand to a certain level, after that the hearts frequency kicks in and our mind has to surrender but at the same time through taking leaps of faith we learn trust ourselves and begin to live with full knowing. In nature a flower wilts and dies and it is this wilting or understanding that codes the plants Seed with its original memory that created "IT". Hence, the fruit is born to full maturity when the flower dies, the fruit then disperses its seeds of "FULL KNOWING" so as to grow anew and give birth to a new generation that holds the memory for its future, and so on. This process is the self generating growth of the Source LIGHT Creator of Universal Consciousness, and the growth is created by the Creators TIME WAVES of Creation that are Dreamed into becoming by the primordial forces of the Infinite COSMOS. The primordial forces hold the original memory of the first SEEDS full knowing.
Creations organic intent is fixed to growing true by looking "within" itself, hence we as Creation in human form must look "within" ourselves for our final answer to the inevitable question, to be, or not to be? Are we going to live true to the memory "within" us that connects us to our most ancient roots, or not. We can live true by wilting like a flower and selflessly activating the original memory that we were seeded by. By connecting all as One and One as all, we acknowledge the roots of the COSMIC TREE OF LIFE as holding the foundation strong and stable. It could be understood that the fundamental flaw humanity has lived by is to symbolically hold onto the flower and not allow it to wilt or die, this we do by not sharing and not circulating what the Creator is trying to intend through humanity. The answer could be to give away, by selflessly letting go to what we want. Metaphorically speaking, allow your flower to wilt and die, and then by this selfless act the universe can restore the balance through you. By holding onto an external power we will live to our demise. TRANSCENDING DUALITY can be seen to be our prime purpose, because by this act we will have to trust ourselves to surrender to our truth and let go the mind and thus live through the light of our spiritual heart, the place of healing the wound of the past. Through the lens of the 9 Level Mayan calendar we can see that we are Transcending Duality through the Ninth Wave and rising above all the self created flaws of the past. The Creator of the Divine LIGHT inside you lives by an equation that allows for you to hold a Heart centered Mind and by this prosper beyond what limits you, and it can be seen to be the NINTH WAVE FREQUENCY which is tuning our Mind into the frequency of the Heart that knows how to courageously live by the intentions of FLAWLESS LOVE.
In essence the Mayan calendar can be understood to map the memory of UNIVERSAL TIME which in turn aligns all life to the Divine Will of Creations ebbing and flowing Serpent-Like wave movements. Contrary to the idea of randomness this shows that Time is moving ITSELF forward by a coded sequence. The sequencing of the "Weave Together" of time is the key to understanding the blueprint of the original Seed and its growth to maturity, and it is this growth that reflects the evolution of the COSMIC TREE OF LIFE. Because we are "Creation in Human Form", if we apply our consciousness to the understanding of the "Weave Together" we spark an awareness from inside us that allows for a multidimensional outlook of TIME, we can thus live transcended above the mundane of linear TIME, and we gift our Mind an intuitive heart centered ability. In terms of the sequencing of the numbers that the Mayan calendar reflects, this can be understood in the "durations" of days in time, and thus reflects not just Mayan time but Universal time. These "durations" of time are differing expanses of energy, they are each a scale of time that serve an evolutionary purpose, they are the SCALES of time on the Serpent, they are etheric unseen but felt "Waves of Time" that WEAVE TOGETHER in a clockwise and anti-clockwise motion of spinning and spiralling LIGHT frequencies, and it is from "within" us that the Waves of Time manifest life into "BECOMING", from spirit to physical matter the Great Mystery evolves all life to transmute the old and transcend higher and grow its self awareness wiser. The two calendars that are responsible for the "Weave Together" of the 9 Level Mayan calendar Pyramid of Creation are the 360 day Tun(clockwise) and the 260 day Tzolkin(anti-clockwise).
The 260 Day Tzolkin - glyphs carved by Sean Caulfield
For Example, 30 Sept 2017, on the 260 day Tzolkin it was 6-Seed/Kan/Lizard, 6 is the tone for the day and this creates flow, Seed is the aspect to Creation which opens the door for sustenance to naturally manifest and patience to be rewarded. At this time we were traversing the so called 67th 18 day NIGHT phase of the Ninth Wave, meaning we were in the valley and an 18 day long time period of going "within", a time of rest before we went to a peaking phase from 15 Oct 2017, when the energy is more amplified, at this point for 18 days new Divine Universal stimulus is fed into the Global Mind of the collective consciousness, complimenting the LIGHT to show humanity its flaws and change for the better, bringing itself to be in tune with the Cosmic Light of the Time Waves of Creation. So in terms of the NINTH WAVE, the 18 day valley is a time of rest and reflection, and the potential for healing, and the 18 day peak is a time of new information, amplified awareness and advancement forward by transcending the flaws. Yet it is like a WAVE FREQUENCY, if you don't consciously tune into it you might not no it exists, and the awareness of this highest of all frequencies holds your thought on a very high vibration that transcends the physical dimension that the 8 lower levels of the Mayan calendar are dualistically gripped by. So because you are Spirit living in a physical body, you are by tuning into this frequency living in service to the "Will of Creation" on the highest of all spiritual Levels of the Universe, you are holding the collective self awareness of Earth to live on a flawless platform of truth. If you are not living honestly it could be said you are not in tune with the Ninth Wave, in fact you are living in detriment to your and Earth's Soul Truth, by this you are bound to a dualistic immaturity that can cause illness to resonate through your body and the Earth's body itself.
Hence, we are all potentially arriving to live by a fully mature consciousness that transcends duality and understands it's true purpose and role on Earth as the Spirit Keepers of the Garden of Eden. We are the so called care takers. Mother Earth has invested in us at her own expense. Instant, consciously self aware manifestations are now a reality, you may be experiencing this, the same for instant karma, returning on us very quickly. As we are gifted this capacity of instant manifestation, the most important realization is to give back and support that which selflessly gave to us, and by this creating a balance. Are we creating a balance with the extension of ourselves, do we understand that everything is a projection of ourselves, nothing is separate, everything comes back to the choice you made, if we did something without choosing it, your Soul was lost to an outer manipulation. We are all a manifestation of ONE HEART, what we do has a ripple effect that is more than ever returning on itself, like a boomerang, when we dont honour this we might feel the ripple as a storm of returning energy pulling us into right relation. In terms of the Mayan calendar completion, AFTER THE SHIFT of 2011/12 it can be said we are living in the WAKE OF TIME. Hence, the Waves of TIME are coming to fruition but they also did NOT END, the time waves continue as fully mature PRIMORDIAL Forces of Creation LIGHT, pulling and pushing all to live in Right Relation on a NEW EARTH. She reflects from "within" her core, the mirror of the Infinite Universe. We are becoming more and more aware and awakening on a collective Human level, and living this heart centered consciousness now since 28 Oct 2011, when all the Time Waves converged and reached 13-Ahau/Light.
We are literally living BETWEEN TWO WORLD'S and now completing the old world view and the immaturity this holds is being transmuted and dissolved, at the same time the mature Time Waves are beginning, a new fully mature "Seed of Time" is being planted, and will grow a new world view of FULL MATURITY that understands sustainability and equality. The mature wave resonances are here now and transmuting the old collective emotional wounds of Time. According to the Feathered Serpent - a Mythic Being called Quetzalcoatl who is to the Aztec and Maya the Spirit Keeper of Time - the snakes poison is transmuting the immature ill intent of the past, we are shedding the old skin of Time and by this we are able to "Free our Mind" of all the density that the duality of TIME holds us bound by. The new skin of flawless TIME is growing so as protect and taking over the reins that a Heart centered Mind knows how to hold. All this unfolding consciousness is a great together mix of mature and immature event that is stirring up things in our World, our job is to rise above this immaturity, the dualistic Mind needs to surrender to the Light of truth of its multidimensional higher self. Creation has always allowed itself to evolve further by supporting itself with New higher evolutionary "Light Knowings", so as to over ride the old completed lost density of Time. But the difference now in the past 6 to 7 years since 2011/12 is that for the first time a new 100% fully mature resonance is coming in to the mind of the human consciousness, being the resonance of the NINTH WAVE, and this Universal Wave is bringing our potential to understand its absolute true purpose on Earth. To me this can be understood as the frequency that is pulling consciousness to live with a fully mature OPEN HEART, that the San Bushmen hold the understandings of, and also not only the San but other indigenous tribes know how to transcend all that duality limits us by, and it is the ancestral memory of the ceremony that is key to unlocking the code to bring Peace to Earth.
this above diagram of a large Tzolkin you can cross reference the dates
and see what you where up to in relation to the period from 1999 to
2011. The exact middle and crest of this period was 1st June 2005, being
13-Ahau/Light and the 10th 260 days since the start of this 8th level
and 9th level, since 29th Oct 2011 we are coming up to the middle of the
next large Tzolkin of 20 260 days on 25th March 2018, you can see this
date on the Mayan Majix calculator - http://www.mayanmajix.com/TZOL KIN/DT/DT.html
By the "Open Heart" we learn that the LIGHT of our Mind is all connected as ONE COSMIC MIND that Earth's Global Mind reflects, and when living heart centered, lives true to Creations Will and allows you to fulfil your role as a PORTAL of Peace and Love. In this most dense physical 3rd dimension that our body is housed in we hold the Portal to all the infinite LIGHT of the multidimensional Universe. If we can reach a level of inner peace that is 100% centered in flawlessness, and we can resonate like a flawless diamond, then all dimensions of the Infinite Universe will live in harmony and balance. This sounds like a good Universal LIGHT of consciousness to live by and for! The Time-Waves at present are speaking to us in a certain way and giving our destiny its direction, the direction is opening us up to live in balance, this starts with keeping consciously centered internally, it is important to do internal work for an external balance. With this idea take your mind's eye to a surrounding that speaks beauty to your heart. Visualize a place you have fond memories of, hold yourself here, tune into this Time, feel it in your body, this meditation may attract good resonance to you and restore any imbalance.
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